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US History Course Objectives and Pacing Guide McSwain Goal 1: The New Nation 7 days Competency Goal 1 The New Nation (1789-1820) - The learner will identify, investigate, and assess the effectiveness of the institutions of the emerging republic. Major Topics: Presidencies of George Washington / John Adams / Thomas Jefferson War of 1812 Goal 2: Expansion and Reform 8 days Competency Goal 2 Expansion and Reform (1801-1850) - The learner will assess the competing forces of expansionism, nationalism, and sectionalism. Major Topics: Nationalism / Sectionalism Marshall Court / Early 1800s Reforms Jacksonian Era Manifest Destiny – Oregon Territory / Texas / Mexican War Goal 3: Crisis / Civil War 7 days Competency Goal 3 Crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction (1848-1877) - The learner will analyze the issues that led to the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the impact of Reconstruction on the nation. Major Topics: Causes of Civil War / Civil War – key battles and personalities Reconstruction Goal 4: The West 6 days Competency Goal 4 The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860s-1896) - The learner will evaluate the great westward movement and assess the impact of the agricultural revolution on the nation. Major Topics: Government policies -Native Americans / Cattle and Mining Industry Farmers / Populists Goal 5: Industrial Society 7 days Competency Goal 5 Becoming an Industrial Society (1877-1900) - The learner will describe innovations in technology and business practices and assess their impact on economic, political, and social life in America. Major Topics: Gilded Age Corruption in Politics and Big Business / Growth of Cities / Turn of the Century Life, Technology / Immigration Goal 6: Imperialism 5 days Competency Goal 6 The emergence of the United States in World Affairs (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze causes and effects of the United States emergence as a world power. Major Topics: Hawaii Annexation / Spanish-American War / Panama Canal / Open Door Notes / Big Stick Diplomacy Goal 7: Progressives 7 days Competency Goal 7 The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period. Major Topics: Theodore Roosevelt / William H. Taft / Woodrow Wilson / Muckrakers Progressive Reforms / Limitations of Progressives Goal 8: WWI and the 1920s 8 days Competency Goal 8 The Great War and Its Aftermath (1914-1930) - The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war's influence on international affairs during the 1920's. Major Topics: WWI causes / American Home front / Wilson Peace Plan / Treaty of Versailles / Politics, Culture, Social atmosphere and Economics of The 1920s (a portion of Goal 9 will be dealt with here) Goal 9: Depression and the New Deal 5 days Competency Goal 9 Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) - The learner will appraise the economic, social, and political changes of the decades of "The Twenties" and "The Thirties." Major Topics: Causes of the Great Depression / Suffering during the Depression / Hoover’s efforts / FDR / New Deal Programs / Impact & Legacy of New Deal (the 1920s portion of Goal 9 is included with previous unit) Goal 10: WWII and the Early Cold War 10 days Competency Goal 10 World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War (1930s-1963) - The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War II and the war's influence on international affairs in following decades. Major Topics: Causes of WWII / Major military campaigns and personalities / Holocaust / WWII Home front / Early Cold War – Truman – Eisenhower Kennedy Presidencies Goal 11: 1950s / 1960s 10 days Competency Goal 11 Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) - The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period. Major Topics: 1950s Culture / Modern Civil Rights Movement – 1950s-1960s / Vietnam War and Era / 1960s Culture / Feminist Movement / LBJ and Great Society programs / Space Exploration Goal 12: US Since 1980s 7 days Competency Goal 12 The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) - The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period. Major Topics: Politics and Presidents Nixon - Present / Modern Immigration Trends / Technology Trends / Industry Trends / Cultural Trends / Terrorism / Exam Review DIRECT INQUIRIES ABOUT THIS SITE TO CARLA McSWAIN BACK TO TOP |